Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Beauty School Stories - The "Clics"

In Beauty School most of the students form these informal groups called "Clics". They section off like in that prison movie OZ. Which takes us to the Greek Clic, the only group that had a rich outcast. Her name was Effie she was loud, obnoxious, heavyset, black long hair pulled back in a tight braid; she basically reminded me of Costello (From that old TV show Abbott & Costello) She said her dad owned a Diner and when she got out of school he would buy her a salon. The other two students who I remember from that group were Paul, he was neat, slim, quite and in the closet at the time. And finally Ina, she was nice, friendly and attractive but when she pulled all her hair back a little scary (she would never pull her hair back). Guys would come to the school and compliment her derriere.

Sunday, July 24, 2005

Beauty School Stories - The Students - Wanda

Wanda was one of the students who would call me El Muerto because I was so white, so unTan. Whenever I would walk by her and her friends they would always say something that I didn't understand and then one girl would translate. "Hey Peter, Wanda said she would like to take care of you in the bathroom, you don't have to do anything in return." Uhhh, no thanks, I'm O'k... "Hey Peter, you look sexy today." Uhhh, Thanks..bye... "Que Pasa Pedro Que Pasa"... Wanda was a tall, strong woman with very long hair, I would not feel comfortable being alone with her. One day I saw Wanda waiting in front of the school after school hours. She was waiting for the school director...of course... she needed to boost her grade to pass. The director would help many women boost their grades;-)

The Brocante Home Chronicles.

The Brocante Home Chronicles.
I recently came across Alison's Blog, she has created a truly excellent site for all you happy homemakers. This site reminds me of my mom, nice, neat and organized.